# MobileAttckTools This documentation provides details about the `MobileAttckTools` class within the `pyattck` package. You can also access external data properties. The following properties are generated using external data: 1. additional_names 2. attribution_links 3. additional_comments 4. family You can retrieve the entire dataset using the `external_dataset` property. You can also access external data properties from the C2 Matrix project. The following properties are generated using C2 Matrix external data: - HTTP - Implementation - Custom Profile - DomainFront - Multi-User - SMB - Kill Date - macOS - GitHub - Key Exchange - Chaining - Price - TCP - Proxy Aware - HTTP3 - HTTP2 - Date - Evaluator - Working Hours - Slack - FTP - Version Reviewed - Logging - Name - License - Windows - Stego - Notes - Server - Actively Maint. - Dashboard - DNS - Popular Site - ICMP - IMAP - DoH - Jitter - How-To - ATT&CK Mapping - Kali - Twitter - MAPI - Site - Agent - API - UI - Linux You can retrieve the entire dataset using the `c2_data` property. This class provides information about the tools used by actors or groups within the MITRE Mobile ATT&CK Framework. Additionally, a `MobileAttckTools` object allows the user to access additional relationships within the MITRE Mobile ATT&CK Framework: * Techniques that the specified tool is used within * Actor or Group(s) using a specified tool ## MobileAttckTools Class ```eval_rst .. autoclass:: pyattck.mobile.tools.MobileAttckTools :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: ```